


New Cover Design


Originally, we thought that it would be fun to use a collage of the various events, with Katniss in the foreground of our new cover. However, we then were discussing the effects of television within this novel, and noticed how similar this book is written to an episode of a reality show. A decision was made to add the television as a background for this, so really showcase this aspect of the novel. We made the choice to draw this back ground because it is a child’s way of portraying the world.  We found the color green to be significant because it is a color that lies between the primary colors yellow and blue.  Katniss is an adolescent young woman, a period where she is moving from childhood to adulthood, two definite moments in life. 
            Moving to the inside of the screen, Katniss is thrown into the televised event, where we see the battlefield which is real and horrifying, and forces her to rationalize things as an adult would. This creates a sort of contrast in the readers mind, because it places a child in a very difficult situation.  The use of a television also plays into the theme of constantly being watched. By putting Katniss on TV, the person who picks up the book will be immediately sucked into District 12 and will hopefully take a step back after reading the Hunger Games, look at the cover and then try to find the difference between the citizens watching the Hunger Games in the book, and watching reality television in the real world.